Monday, May 21, 2007

Funky lamps and Seven Random Things.

Retro lamp

I thought I'd share these lamps with you. Ryan made them for me out of resin vases that I bought a Zgallerie and shades from Target. The lamps that I wanted, already assembled, were over $500 each! YIKES. I could have ten of these lamps made for that price. They're pretty easy to make, especially if your not the one making them :) First, purchase your vase and shade. Then take your vase to your local hardware store and choose the right lamp wiring kit to fit the mouth of the vase. The kits range from about the size of a quarter to the size of the bottom of a coffee tin. Then drill a small hole at the very bottom of the back of the vase for the cord to come through. Wire it up and attach your shade!

Thanks Leslie for posting the "seven random things about you". I thought I'd join in the fun too.

Seven random things you might not know about me!

1. I wanted to be a choreographer ever since I can remember. shhhhh (still do). When I was little, I used to dance to a boom box all day long in the alley in front of our apartment, hoping to be discovered by Paula Abdul. YIKES!

2. I dropped out of high school when I was 17. We don't all fit into the same cookie cutter mold.

3. I met my husband when I was 15 and he was 20, and had no interest in him(at first)...Fourteen years later he's still my best friend!

4. I could sleep for 16 hours out of every day, but I only get about 4 to 5.

5. I don't own or use a cell phone.

6. I'm afraid to go into the Atlantic Ocean. The water is gray, who knows whats floating about in there!

7. I'm most afraid of slugs and snails. Wow, just seeing those words freak me out!!!!


a friend to knit with said...

Love your new lamps.....great job Ryan!
Loved your meme..........No cell phone? LOVE that! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi : I read your comment about maddeleine mac can.
(You asked for a poster about her)

here is a link to her website

Click here to acess it

Anonymous said...

Madeleine dissapeared in algarve,portugal, , in the first days of may.
She is british. Her parents were spending holidays in a holiday resort. They left their children alone in the flat and one of them vanished

Jody said...

Hi Merritt~
Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I just did the hoops/fabrics on my living room wall. My husband loves it! I think it's swell too...especially how simple, inexpensive and fun it was to do! Thanks for the inspiration. I hope your summer is going well with your sweet baby boy. Take care!

Katie Runnels said...

wow- you are amazing! (and I'm jealous of your handy husband!) xo